crash when add slur to score

• Sep 3, 2018 - 08:34
Reported version
S3 - Major

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 3.0.0, revision: 7f19224

1) Add two notes
2) Add slur
Result: crash



The above patch is okay as far as it goes, and it prevents the immediate crash, but it does not get at the root of the problem. When a slur is added, if both endpoints are not specified, the slur starts out in edit mode. When a slur is in edit mode, its grips are supposed to be visible. If the slur is added by pressing the "S" key or by double-clicking the slur icon in the palette, the grips are indeed visible. But if the slur is dragged from the palette onto a note, the grips will not be visible, even though the slur is in edit mode. It seems that at this point, the ScoreView's state property is set to ViewState::EDIT, but editData.element is NULL. If the user tries to adjust the slur (with Shift+right arrow, for example), the program will crash.

Status (old) fixed active
Status fixed active

handrok, could you please check the case again with current master taking mattmcclinch's comment into account?

Crash with basic scenario disappears. As mattmcclinch says Shift+right arrow leads to crash. I checked the basic scenario on MuseScoreNightly-2018-08-24-0815-master-55e0a7a. And I founded that there was no crash. I don't know exactly which commit added the crash. But anyway we need add some tests to mtest to prevent such kind of crashes in the future.

Status (old) active patch (code needs review)
Status active  

See This takes care of the other problem that I mentioned a few comments up.

Now, about adding tests to mtest: The crash only occurred when dragging and dropping a slur from the palette. Other methods of adding a slur (shortcut key, double-click) did not cause a crash. I do not see how a test in mtest could have prevented such a crash.