musescore 2 how to add a new line with sol and fa key

• Sep 14, 2018 - 13:51

hello guys, im new to this software and I'm trying to write a song, and after I finish my sol and fa lines who has each one 4 bars, I want to open a new line and continue the song but I cant find out how to open a new one.
can someone help me. thank you


In reply to by Shoichi

not both , look at the file, I just want a new line of fa and sol key to continue and write there the chords

but I don't know how to scroll down and open a new line .

for example like here, when i want to write someone in a new line i click on " enter" and it goes down

like this.

how do you do it on musescore 2 ? tnx

Attachment Size
Chords learnign .mscz 5.69 KB

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