note head color

• Oct 14, 2018 - 18:15

I have created a new score for which everything works fine except that the bass staff shows note heads in red color - all notes in this staff. All other staves are ok. I couldn't find a way to turn them to black.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm attaching an mscz file of the score. I'm using MuseScore 2.3.2

Attachment Size
MeninaAlice_piano+orquestra.mscz 81.23 KB


The problem, I believe, is that you have chosen the singing voice called bass rather than a stringed instrument called bass. Your instrument order is not standard so I'm not sure which instrument you intended. The Bass Guitar is under plucked strings (in English) and the the double bass or is under Bowed strings (in English), though there is the same instrument called Acoustic Bass when you look at either the pop/rock or Jazz instruments.

In reply to by mike320

I should have looked at this before. The score was imported from another program and MuseScore chose the wrong "Bass". To fix this, right click the staff, chose Staff Properties... then click the change instruments button and select the proper bass. This will fix the range on the instrument.

The notes are colored red because they are out of the instruments range. A voice is often called an instrument including in MuseScore.

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