Mid Measure Clef Change wrong notes

• Nov 9, 2018 - 22:20

So, I want to change from bass clef to treble clef in the middle of the measure. I follow the instructions to click on the note (well rest actually) that the clef change will go in front of and then double click on the treble clef symbol. And it works, I have a treble clef. But when I a add a note after the new treble clef, it plays a B rather than a G. (the note was a on the second line of the staff). The instructions mention transposing, but wouldn't that add sharps or flats? The key didn't change, it's just that the upper staff of the piano part went from bass to treble clef. I'm confused.

THis is Musescore 2.3.2 btw. Thanks for any help with my beginners confusion.

I added a sort of example. I would think that it should play G3,G3,G3,G3.G3.G4.G4.G4. Up an octave after the clef change.

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You've added a french treble clef, not the ordinary treble clef. Take a look into the clef palette and correct it.

I would think that it should play G3,G3,G3,G3.G3.G4.G4.G4. Up an octave after the clef change.

Which is exactly what I'm hearing. Not sure what is going on, you should attach the score in which you had the initial problem.

EDIT: Sorry, I see. You used the French violin clef. You should use the treble clef (the one starting on the second line from the bottom, not on the bottom line.)

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