Ties over measures with jump to CODA

• Feb 8, 2019 - 23:47

I have this piece (file included) with a jump to CODA. Measure 15 (which has the jump To Coda) has a whole note that I want to tie to the first note in measure 25. This whole note is also tied to the first note in measure 16. Doing a normal tie between measure 15 and 25 does not do what I want. Is there a way to do this? Thanks for any help with this.

Attachment Size
Jazz Sequences.mscz 28.03 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 19941051

Most likely, but I can't say when. In part because of the issue of how to handle updates, I'm focused a bit more on my online course right now. I've started updating that, and then existing students automatically get the updates, which is nice. But I don't want to leave existing book owners out in the cold either. I will figure something out.

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