Position of chord symbols

• Jan 30, 2019 - 13:53

Have spent years inputting hundreds of tunes and now find that latest version has moved my chord symbols to above the bars (were previously below the bars) HELP !!!!!!


Could you attach one of your scores that shows the problem? In general, when importing from MuseScore 2, we do try to detect things that have been moved from above to below the staff or vice versa, and set the placement automatically. It's possible something is going wrong with something about the specific way you are going about it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have been given a "cure" which works for a single tune. This is a great help in recovering the tunes but does only cures one tune at a time. I have hundreds to do. A solution which would do all tunes simultaneously would be wonderful.
Cure given is-select first chord>select all similar elements>inspector> change to below

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