Second voice input starts on second note of triplet

• Apr 27, 2019 - 16:51

I am copying a piano score in common time. The measure has four triplets for a total of 12 notes. I need to add a second voice where a quarter note is added on the second note of the triplet. This would require a rest of 1/12th to line up with the second note position which mathematically cannot be created from standard rests. While I could I create a triplet consisting of a rest, note, rest such that the only note that is sounded is the second note of the triplet and which gets the note played in the correct location in the measure, the duration is wrong. So how to I create an abnormal rest duration?


It sounds like what you want to do is create a triplet in voice 2 that is an eighth rest followed by a quarter note. Within a triplet, you can change note durations just like you can outside of triplets. As an added bonus, if you make the duration too long, MuseScore will happily tie the extra note after the triplet.

Once you set up the triplet, you can select the rest and make it invisible by pressing v and make the bracket and number not display by selecting the bracket or number and changing the settings to none in the inspector (F8).

If this doesn't help, then attach a picture of what you want to do.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks for the suggestion. It worked as far as displaying the score. But playback I suspect is not what is displayed. Within the triplet, the eight rest is not a full eighth. I dropped a quarter note on the next available rest in the triplet and the triplet was complete with the two adds. But the quarter note in the triplet is only 1/6th, not a full quarter. Within the triplet all note durations are compressed so I suspect that quarter note only gets played back for the duration available within the triplet. If I could actually extend the note a full 1/4 it would extend beyond the end of the triplet and not what is wanted. But actually playing the score no limitations apply and the correctly depicted notation has been recreated.

In reply to by msokol

A score would indeed help, but if I'm understanding correctly, then what you've described is aexactly as should be expected. A quarter note that starts on the second eighth of a triplet is not supposed to play back as a full quarter, it should take 2/3 of the beat. So if you've created things properly, both the notation adn playback should be exactly right.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Not actually being someone who plays piano and after discussing with more knowledgeable individuals, I understand that a shared note on a note in a tuplet would be interpreted as having the properties of all the notes in the tuplet, hence the duration would be shortened compared to a normal note. So just looking at the score, one needs to understand this to be the case and it is not a normal quarter note superimposed upon a note in the triplet. The recommended way to create this in Musescore was correctly described and I used it. For the second note of the triplet it would be impossible to superimpose a regular note because you could not create the proper interval with rests. If on the first note however one can superimpose another triplet and add notes appropriately or superimpose a regular note, but the later would be an incorrect way to implement the actual score. On would not play it as such. The measure I discussed was taken from Moonlight Sonata.

In reply to by msokol

The measure I discussed was taken from Moonlight Sonata.

I understand all your math reasoning about 4 triplets of 12 notes, each 1/12th of the measure; and about compressed note/rest durations in triplets, etc.

However, I'm wondering...
If you refer to the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata (the one with all the triplets), what measure was it?
It's a very popular piece, I mainly play guitar; but memorized this piece (i.e., the fingering on piano) to impress the ladies. 😁
I don't recall instances of (full) quarter note durations needed in the middle of triplets.


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