Playing the score

• Sep 13, 2019 - 22:56

Until now when I was writing the score, I was able to hear what I was doing. It has disappeared ! Is there anyone who knows how to get back this function ?


I think we need a bit more info. Does the cursor move? Do you have other sounds? What OS? Restart? Have your players quit?

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks for your prompt answer.
The cursor is moving like it used to.
Sound : I am able to hear a video on you tube.
Do you ask for another sound from Musescore ? I am not sure I master this...
What OS ? Have your players quit ?
This is 2 Chinese questions for me... Sorry I am not very competent in computers...
Restart : not necessary because it is a recurrent problem happening for a few weeks and I have of course restarted the computer many times...

In reply to by Christian Montcriol

Sorry, Christian,
OS would be "operating system", as in Mac or Windows. Next was a little joke. Folks that usemacs tend to leave them on a long time, and a restart can help clear problems sometimes.
Yes use the check list in the link jm6stringer provided.
Good luck and let us know what fixes it so that others can learn.

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