Unable to assign QJSValue to QString

• Dec 9, 2019 - 19:40

Since the Harmony object practically does not exist in Musecore 3 (why?), I have to translate the text to a Chord object. The first part is to read Chords.xml, and since there is no XML parser, I have to parse it myself.

However, from the middle of nowhere, I got a bunch of errors:
18:33: Unable to assign QJSValue to QString
18:33: Unable to assign QJSValue to QString
18:33: Unable to assign QJSValue to QString
(20 at all)

I can go on working, but it's annoying.

Here is my work. What's Wrong with it?

Attachment Size
Test.qml 1.76 KB


You'll probably need a .toString() somewhere; my first guess would be at line 60 (console.log(key,"'", object[key], "'");).

Harmony indeed doesn't seem ported yet (why? time and contributions, that's why). Might it not be easier to put in a feature request to reinstate it?

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