Adding title through command line usage of MuseScore

• Jan 19, 2020 - 15:58

Hey there, I am using MuseScore quite a lot from the command line, because I generate .mid files programmatically and then I pass them to MuseScore to create a score. This works very well, see e.g. examples here:…

I am very happy with everything so far, but I would really like to be able to somehow give a title to the score through the command line, so that it is possible to do e.g.:

MuseScore3 -n -title "That's a cool title" -o test.pdf  test.mid

Is this already possible? If not, would you consider adding this?


Not yet.
The problem there is also where to stop; for you it's a title, then perhaps a subtitle, or composer, etc…

There is a pending fix to allow the effects of a plugin to become persistent when running/converting by command line. Perhaps you could use such a plugin as workaround (by writing your metadata such as the title to a temporary file then have a plugin that reads that temp file and applies it to the score).
Until that time, I don't see another way.

In reply to by jeetee


thanks a lot for the swift reply. Yes you have a valid point for "where to stop".

But there seems to be a way to do what I want to do. For me it is totally fine to use such a plugin for a workaround, but I don't really know what you mean or how to create such a thing. If there is a tutorial on how to make a plugin that "adds a title" and use it from command line I'll happily take it without a second thought!

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