changing noteheads in drum notation

• Mar 14, 2020 - 18:34

Hi Everyone,

I have written a drumkit chart, I want to change the snare drum in some sections to a cross notehead so as to indicate stick across (rim shot). Other sections are normal snare. I can't find a way to change only the sections I want to, it changes the whole score. is this possible?



Hi, using drum set (you get it when in Note input) you have severals notes for snare, for each you can choose what you want. After, use which kind of snare you need. If your notes are already written, change the notes you want to the new one

Rim shot is a different note from ordinary snare (i.e., different MIDI pitch, different sound, etc). If you're using the default drumset definition, select the notes and hit the down arrow to change them to the existing "Side stick" note, which seems is what General MIDI calls this.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi, thanks,

I can change the note (and therfore the sound) by pressing the down arrow but in order to get the head snare sound it moves it to the top line. I need the note to stay in the 3rd space and just have the head changed.
its not really for playing on the computer but for someone to read.

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