Midi Audio

• Feb 29, 2016 - 16:47

My musescore 2 completely stopped playing any midi audio, but the metronome
still works. When I click on the "mixer", I noticed that none of the sound
files are located there either. so I visited your help page for resetting to
factory settings on mac
(https://musescore.org/en/handbook/revert-factory-settings-0), and it told me
to type this ( /Applications/MuseScore\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/mscore -F ) into
Terminal. Terminal responded with "No such file or directory". So i am stuck
with absolutely no midi files.


That strongly suggests that you have MuseScore installed in some other folder than the Applications folder. Either you could move it back to the Applications folder and try again, or it should work to substitute the accurate file path (up to /MuseScore\ 2.app) into the Terminal command.

Alternatively, you could just install a replacement SoundFont, as described at https://musescore.org/en/node/96811.

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