lyrics over multiple notes

• Apr 3, 2011 - 19:08

I'm new to Musescore, and hoping someone can help me out: in the handbook, in order to have one syllable extend over multiple notes it says to extend them with an underline. The way I've been interpretting the instructions is that you go to the first note in question, and enter the syllable. Then, before moving on to the next note, you type and underline: _ (perhaps one for each note you want the syllable to extend over?). The only way I know to achieve an underline is "shift + -", but whenever I do that the program just moves me on to the next note--no underline shows up, and my syllable is confined to the first note. What's the key here?


First of all, it would depend if the syllable is at the end of a word or in the middle. If it is at the end of the word, you should use an underline (more commonly referred to as an underscore, which looks like so: _). It indicates that one should hold out the last syllable of that word for as many proceeding notes as the line extends to. It seems this is what you want. Your first underscore actually acts as a space-it just moves you to the next note in the sequence. You need to enter the underscore for each and every proceeding note desired.

However, if you are trying to hold out a syllable in the middle of the word that stretches out for more than one proceeding note, you need to simply repeatedly enter in a dash (-) until you arrive at the desired note where you would like to enter in the next syllable.

Let us know if you need more specific instructions, as the software can definitely be confusing to a new user.


You wouldn't expect to see the underline show up unless the note actually extends for two or more notes. So the first underscore you enter doesn't appear to do anything - it moves the cursor to the next note. On the assumption the first syllable is supposed to continue for this note too, you now enter *another* underscore, and then they appear.

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