very poor finale xml text box support

• Mar 13, 2016 - 15:04

finale 2011 .mus open in finale 2011 (pic1)
export this file to .xml file open as finale notepad 2012 (pic2)
the same .xml file open as musescore 2.0.2 (pic3)

look the "0" in weird postion
the offset is the same as other numbers
but in weird postion like the picture

original file copyright is empty and that is a free box

hope can transfer all finale file to musescore
could be improved in the further version?

Attachment Size
43-04.雨 【蔡肇祺 詩】.xml 113.73 KB


A quick investigation shows that your file exposes a number of differences in MusicXML import between Finale and MuseScore. Some could probably be solved relatively easily, such as the incorrect lyrics (the "0") and staff text (the "4/4 in measure 1) position.

Solving the footer issues is somewhat more difficult, as MuseScore's footer functionality is limited. E.g. text formatting is not possible, footer text repeats on every page.

Will need more time to further investigate.

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