Cannot read file/no backup file in library and constant crashes

• Mar 16, 2016 - 01:36

Hi, I hope somebody can help me, Musescore just crashed and now it says it can't read the file, and there was no backup made by musescore in the application support folder.This the second time that happens, I do have extra copies of the files as backup, (a separate file for each movement of the piece, 4 in total),but obviously not all the copies keep updated as I progress, unless every 5 minutes I kept saving extra copies and replacing them in two computers and usb memories.
So my question is if there's a way to recover the file, and apart from that, I'd like to know if somebody else experiences constant crashes, and by that I mean at least one or two every hour, while it is annoying most of the times I can just open the file again without problem, but sometimes this happens, I've already tried reinstalling it.
I'm using a mac mini with OSX 10.8.5, 8gb of ram and 2.3Ghz Intel i5 processor

Thanks in advance


You shouldn't be e perie cing crashes, of course. And normally if there is a crash, you can recover. My guess is you are encountering a rare bug where if a crash happens at the very moment a file is being written, it can get corrupted. This is fixed for the upcoming 2.0.3 release. If you can find precise steps to reproduce a crash, please post them so we can see if we can reproduce it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc, thank you for replying. Unfortunately I can't recall any specific actions that make it crash,(except for one time when I was working in a different file that was originally made with musescore1) sometimes it's during the playback or while I'm writing, and even sometimes if I'm not doing anything at all, not even moving the mouse, it quits.At first I thought it was because maybe I had too many staffs,around 20, but it also happens when I'm only working with just 1 or 2.And just like you said, most of the times the file is not damaged and I can open it again, except for these two times, where it said I couldn't open it, one thing I noticed when I looked at the info about the file now it says the size is zero bytes ( one of the backups from last week was around 80kb)
But thanks for letting me know there's an upcoming release, I hope it'll fix the problem , do you know when it's being released?

In reply to by Eduardo Palacios

No fixed release date for 2.0.3, but it shouldn't be that far away. Translations are expected to be finished by the end of this month, so I would expect a release shortly after.

Given that you're crashing quite often, you might want to try switching to the 2.0.3 test build, which at this point shouldn't change that much anymore. Please see the following post for more information on the upcoming 2.0.3 release and links to the download packages:

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