Enter notes without beams

• Apr 21, 2011 - 07:43


Do you know if it's possible to enter notes without beams. In prefs. how do I do it?

Thanks. :)


You mean only with flags ? Or even without stem ?
You can't enter note with flags only, musescore will beam them for you automatically. But once it's done, you can change all the notes to single notes. See Beam . Select everything (Ctrl + A) and go to the beam palette, double click "single note".

In reply to by sas1862

BTW, you can also have a customized shortcut assigned to the various beaming commands (as you can most commands) via Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts. I customized so many of mine shortcuts, I forget what the defaults were, but on my system, I can hit "\" immediately after entering a note to break the beam. That way I never have to leave Note Entry mode just to break an occasional beam here and there. But if it's really going to be most of your notes you want to break (traditional in vocal music, I know), doing the "Select All" and then double-clicking the icon is going to be the way to go.

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