Spanish handbook unsorted
I realized that the spanish version of the handbook is unsorted. That can be very confusing, since usually when you look at an index, you expect it to be alphabetically sorted. However, I have no idea how can I change the order of the links. Any help?
I noticed you went ahead and changed the order in the Spanish hanbook index page. While I understand the alphabetical order is useful under Notation, its strange to see 'create a new score' before 'installation' under Basics. Just something to think about.
In reply to Sorting by Thomas
Hi Thomas!
I'm sorry I was so late about answering. You are right, it has no logic to short an index alphabeticaly. The order in the english version seems quite o.k. I only realized that some terms appears twice in the english and spanish versions of the handbook and probably in other languages of the manual. "Create new score" is inside of basics and another in getting started. It happens the same with "Note entry" and "Pallete" that is inside of "Basics" and "Getting started". "Tempo" is inside of "Sound and playback" and in "Text".
However, in the spanish version I would change this entries:
* Alteraciones
* Armadura
* Arpegio
* Barras de agrupación de notas
* Barras de compás
* Clave
* Compases de espera
* Corchete
* Grupos Irregulares
* Ligadura
* Ligadura de expresión
* Líneas
* Notas de Adorno
* Notación de percusión
* Paletas
* Reguladores
* Repeticiones
* Respiro
* Signo de compás
* Trémolo
* Voces
* Volta (1er y 2o finales)
* Imágenes
* Marco
* Salto o espaciador
Temas avanzados
* Barras de agrupación de notas entre pentagramas
* Extracción de partes
* Plugins (There is no link in the spanish index to plugins)
Also, I would change order in all the handbooks for "Sound and playback" section:
* SoundFont
* Play mode
* Change and adjust sounds
* Tempo
You should learn first how to set up the sound-font then how to play a score and finally how to change sound properties. The problem is "Tempo". It affects to playback but it is also a text element, so I don't know where should be included. It's needed to talk about it twice. What about including "Tempo" inside of "Text" and talk about implications of tempo text inside of "Change and adjust sounds"?
What do you think?