Piano roll editor and upbeats

• Mar 25, 2016 - 12:14

Upbeat measures as created by default (i.e., no measure number) are counted as measure 1 by the piano roll editor. Since measure numbers are the only way to connect the piano roll editor with the main score, this is a significant hassle (all the measures are then mis-numbered). A "go to measure" control in the piano roll editor would be very welcome, as well, or having it focus the measure with the selected note (if any) automatically.


Ctrl+F ?

All measures in musescore are numbered starting from 1 and then incrementing, even at a section break, whete the visoble numers starting counting from start.

To which measure to jump if there are 2 or more with the same number?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Control F works for the main score. I am talking about the piano roll editor. Ctrl+F has no effect on the piano roll editor. Saying that the piano roll editor numbers measures start from 1, even discounting an upbeat, is describing the deficiency I am reporting. How am I to get to any specific measure in the piano roll editor except by scrolling? When there is an upbeat, I have to remember to add 1 to all the measure numbers mentally. Don't you think that that's a bug? How about a mode that shows the "real" ("internal") measure numbers in the main score, if necessary? How is navigation into the Piano Roll editor supposed to be performed?

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

I could imagine Ctrl+F could be made to work in that dialog, just as it does in the score.
It is not just the piano roll that starts counting at 1, it is MuseScore as a whole (and you can see it in the Status bar and the Ctrl+F on the score) and that is by design and basically unavoidable.
As said, how else would a GoTo decide which measure 5 might be wanted?

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