• Apr 26, 2011 - 19:23

In the attached score, the 3rd staff (Baritone Sax) was added by me, and filled with a copy of another staff I did delete. This 3rd Staff shows its Instrument name, and plays back with the correct patch, but is printed in a different font.

But on the other staffs, even if playback is Ok, the instrument name shown does NOT appear on the Instrument Panel. Nor are they shown on the Parts Extraction dialog.

How do I correct this? Answers will be appreciated!

* Open file = Ok
* playback = Ok
* Click on bar, show "Staff properties" allows name correction.
* File --> Parts . . . Shows empty staff names!
* then -> New -> fill fields as due (even if no names being shown), -> create = Ok! Part is created Ok!

Attachment Size
InstrNames.mscz 4.14 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

As said: I did import XML. Attached you find it, although a bit edited to erase all bars from 5 to end.

I tested the edition and it repeats the behavior of the original:
1. Open it in MS
2. --> Create --> Instrument --> Wood Wind --> Bari Sax. Move up to get it under the Tenor Sax.
3. Edit name to "Sx Bar" and "SxB". --> Create! And name appears in score, but with different font and size.
4. Select Staff, --> Staff Properties --> Edit name, and name changes.
NEW! If I CUT the name, it is being left justified when pasted into same field! But the original font does not change.
5. Select all bars of Tenor Sax, and copy to Bari Sax. Is Ok! NOTE: did copy while in Concert Tone.

It proved very interesting to dive into the XML, its logic is relatively simple. But I was not able to find what is blocking the staff names . . . :-)

Thank you for your help!

Attachment Size
curiousgeorge4horns.xml 69.34 KB

Now I did import a MIDI file, and the MS behavior repeats, e.g. Instrument names do change font.
It may be the same bug, so the attached MIDI file may be of help!

That triplets are imported as "something" is no problem for me, as Sibelius does it as "something" as well.

Any help? I will appreciate it . . .

Attachment Size
Cry Me A River 4 Score.mid 3.96 KB

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