Is This Score Corrupted?

• Apr 1, 2016 - 21:08

The attached score isn't playing back correctly when I upload it online. The balance that I set up carefully in the app is ruined, and it sounds really bad. It seemed fine in the app, though. Super_Mario_Galaxy_2_Preview_IN_PROGRESS.mscz


Welll, there is nothing actually corrupted about it - it would have reported errors on load if there were. But as for whether it sounds the way you expect, I can't say, because I don't know what you expect. Look at the Mixer, I can see you have customized a whole lot of volume settings, maxing out the volume for several of them, and when I listen to the score, those isntruments are indeed pretty unnaturally loud. So I guess it sounds as *I'd* expect given the Mixer settings you have made.

I can tell you that scores on play back using the default soundfont, so if you were hoping to use some sort of of alternative soundfont, it won't use that when played online - it will use the default. And of course, if others then download it, then it will play with whatever soudnfonts *they* have set as their defaults. So it's best to stick with the default soundfont for files you wish to share. Just as with text fonts - it does no good to share a text document with someone that uses some special fancy font they don't have.

In reply to by -That_One_Piano-

Sounds about the same when I listen online using that link, and if I download from that link, I see the same Mixer settinggs - about half the isntruments cranked up to the max. Did you start with a template, maybe? If so, maybe the template made those changes for you. But they are definitely there; I can see the settings right there in the file. So *someone* made them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I definitely have corruptions in a file of mine, but they're of a different sort.

I have back-to-back measures where the drums are given pp and ff dynamics, and they sound exactly the same. Prior to when I marked the troublesome measure as pp, it would totally max my speakers. It was also throwing off the entire volume settings of the piece when I exported to mp3, because that measure was given the maximum volume value, and the rest of the piece was really really quiet on the mp3.

I'm guessing that since each note has a way to assign a dynamic value to it, that somewhere in the code, there's maybe a placeholder for new dynamic values, and if there are no changes, then the note inherits that value from the one before. In compressed files, isn't there a routine that deletes "inherit" markups so that the file can take up less data?

Whatever my guesses are about the code, what I really need is a way to fix it.

I have thought about exporting, or copy-and-pasting my drum staff to a new file, and giving every single note a dynamic marking so that no dynamics are inherited. Then I could go through and delete all the markings, in hopes that the inherited values will be restored. I've seen enough auto generated web code to know that web development software used to throw in an extra descriptor for the same object. If that's the case with my file, and there's extraneous velocity code (my few obviously bad notes are given two sets of dynamic values), then my copy-and-paste solution won't necessarily erase the problems.

I don't know enough about editing midi files in a DAW to know if I can export to midi, select all, and establish one velocity for all, and reimport.

The only sure-fire approach I can come up with is to rewrite the entire drum staff, and completely avoid copy-and-paste. Ugh. Since I like my drums to sound human, I generally don't stick to one pattern all the way through, and each fill is written as a one-off. It could take me several hours to reconstruct a new drum part.

In reply to by highnoteboy

Aha.... I did a little digging. It appears as though my notes switch back and forth between "user velocity" and "offset velocity" somewhat arbitrarily. Well that totally obliterates the logic I was trying to use before for explaining the phenomena.
Also, it gives me a work method for cleaning it up. Yay!

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