File corrupted error, rhythm problem

• Apr 4, 2016 - 23:04

So, I saved my score, see attached, everything seemed fine. Then when I tried to open it again, it said "File corrupted - Bar 10 Stave 1 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 3/8".

Indeed there is a problem in the upper stave in bar 10. There are only 3/8 beats to that bar.

How can I fix that? Is this a bug?

Attachment Size
Early_Morning_Rain.mscz 26.94 KB


It's definitely a bug that this happened, but in order to say more, we'd need to understand *how* this happened - what you might have done to trigger the bug. If you can come up with a precise series of steps to reproduce the problem, that would be helpful. For 2.0.3 (just released today) we fixed a number of bugs that can lead to corruption, hopefully what you ran into is one of those.

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