can't upload anything
scores won't upload, hell even pfps won't work. the latter is funny tbh
scores won't upload, hell even pfps won't work. the latter is funny tbh
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now it's saying "error only mscz files" when the file i'm uploading is literally mscz lol
In reply to now it's saying "error only… by waterwxtch
Just to be sure, but are you uploading MSCZ files or MSCX files which are Uncompressed Musescore Format files?
In reply to Just to be sure, but are you… by Josiah M. Bayne
the former, i've never used the latter. it's fixed now tho, looks like it was just a bug
I'm having the same issues. There's some defect in the upload function. And there's no where to contact a real person to address this.