Repeat barline on one stave not on whole system
Hi there,
Thanks in advance for whoever the awesome people are who respond.
I have a score that features parts repeating while other parts continue independent of each other. I need to be able to input a repeat barline. I can't see a way of doing this at present, as it puts the repeat barline across all of the staves, not just the one I want. I don't care about playback, and if the repeat barline symbol was in the symbols I would do it that way.
Thanks again, and apologies if this is covered elsewhere.
Could you post a picture (hand-drawn, perhaps) of what you want? I'm having trouble picturing how you could have repeats on just on part an have it make any sense at all - how would anyone be able to tell what was supposed to be happening? If some parts aren't repeating, the way to notate the repeating part would be to simply write out the repeated passage. If it's just a measure or two, you can use the measure repeat sign, but otherwise, it pretty much has to be written out.
In reply to Could you post a picture by Marc Sabatella
Hi Marc,
The score is for choir and drum kit. The drummer is playing in time 6/8. The second altos are also in 6/8. The other parts of the choir are all singing melodies in free time, using stemless notes. For example, if you had five people singing the soprano line, they would each sing the line in their own time creating an effect similar to lots of reverb. When each soprano finishes singing their line they go back and repeat it. Thus the texture continues. While this is happening, the drums and 2nd altos continue in pulse based 6/8.
So the drums and 2nd altos don't need repeat bars. But at the end of their individual melodies, the parts creating the 'reverb' texture do.
Perhaps this is helpful for understanding the other posts I have made regarding bar lines and stemless acciacatura.
The score for the entire piece is attached. Look at
mm. 31-58
mm. 115 - 118
In reply to MuseScore attached by Stu_
I have no trouble understanding the idea of one instrument repeating while others don't. What I can't understand is how you'd picture this being *notated*. That is, what would appear in the soprano part after the repeated section, directly above the second alto part? Just empty space?
I'd probably notated just by putting text notation to keep repeating; I'm not sure the actual repeat signs would be of any additional value. But if I wanted them, I guess I'd need to create them as a graphic. If the symbol palette had a repeat bar symbol, that would indeed be better.
In reply to I have no trouble by Marc Sabatella
Yes, the soprano part has empty bars with no barlines. (This creates another problem with some bars having barlines and others not).
I will probably do as you suggest and just use written instructions. In fact even with the repeat bar lines a written instruction is necessary.
I have no idea how to create a graphic. I.e. create a graphic of a repeat barline symbol. is that something that can be easily explained, or should I just let that one go!
In reply to graphic of repeat symbol by Stu_
You could create a short score with one staff, add a start and end repeat bar, make that staff invisible, then export the score as a PNG and then crop it down with an image editor to just contain the repeat sign. Ideally, you'd get the background transparent.
I have a similar problem with Orchestral Suite no. 1 by Bach.
The Piano(Or in Bach's time the Harpsichord) has a repeat at the first few measures of the Overture but all other instruments don't. I only want the repeat in the piano part and not any other instruments. I use Musescore 1.3. How can I fix this so that the repeat is only in the piano section and not others.
In reply to I have a similar problem with by Caters
I'm not understanding what you want. It doesn't make sense for one part to repeat but not other parts - the different parts would be at different places in the score at the same time. That doesn't make musical sense.
In reply to I'm not understanding what by Marc Sabatella…
Oboe 1 does not repeat until the 1st ending…
Same for Oboe 2…
Bassoon repeats after the 1st measure which the piano does as well…
The Cello and Bass repeat after the 1st measure
All other instruments don't repeat until the 1st ending.
This is for the overture of Orchestral Suite No. 1 by Bach.
In reply to by Caters
That's the problem with trying to assemble a score from the parts. Whatever editor produced the parts for this particular edition decided to have different repeat structures for the individual parts (an absolutely *terrible* decision for which they were probably fired after the first attempted rehearsal of this particular edition!), but there is no way to translate this to the score. A score has to have all instruments doing the same thing at the same time. Once you have constructed the score that way - with all repeats lining up as they should - you'd be welcome to then extract the parts and repeat the same mistake made by the editor of the parts you linked to - but I'd recommend you don't!
In reply to That's the problem with by Marc Sabatella
It is also terrible in rehearsal for musicians as they may not have same Rehearsal marks or mesure numbers.......
It can also be the use of different editors, one with repeats and another without repeats....
In reply to That's the problem with by Marc Sabatella
"A score has to have all instruments doing the same thing at the same time." In a traditional score yes, but not always. I have a structured improvisation piece constructed of a sequence of "cells". Inside the cells are phrases that the musicians play in sequence but with their own judgement for how long. One musician might have only one phrase to play in a cell but others might have 2 or 3 or more phrases. The musicians decide for themselves when and if to pause between their respective phrases and decide together when to move collectively to the next cell - a bit like jazz musicians do. Anyway, just commenting here to say that I tried to use Musescore to write out a score with staff-specific repeats for the players but found this impossible and came here looking for a solution. My solution was to write the phrases in Musescore, print them out, cut them up with scissors and paste them onto a physical piece of paper where I hand-notated the structure and instructions for the score
In reply to "A score has to have all… by treedweller
If it's just for print, did you try leaving normal barlines in and adding a repeat barline from the (non-functional) symbols from the master palette instead?
In reply to "A score has to have all… by treedweller
I agree with @treedweller: there are certain types of music that call for independent, non-synchronous parts (different tempos even: see screenshot example from a work by Luciano Berio that illustrates both, independent repeats & tempi). It'd be nice to be able to at least hide the repeats independently, perhaps that's a 'doable' feature request?
UPDATE: I just tried a trick and it seems to work for me (though not the most kosher/elegant). I created a couple of transparent PNG files that emulate the 'remaining' components of the double bar (i.e. the thick bar + the dots) -- using a start repeat as an example -- and:
- I select the first note of the bar where the repeat starts
- Go to my desktop, click and drag the corresponding PNG image onto Musescore
- The image attaches itself to that note
- Then I fiddle with the note's spacing + the size of the image to fit the staff (mind you, I'm using the default staff sizes, etc.) and voilá.
I'll attach both the example where I was able to achieve the 'independent repeat' trick plus the actual PNG images in case others find them useful :)
Is there a way to do this now?