The selection is lost and failure with R key by copying and pasting on multimeasasure rests
GIT commit b3cd356/ Windows7
1) "My First Score"
2) Enter some notes in the first measure
3) Press "M"
4) Copy-paste the first measure on the MM rest
Expected result: as with the 2.0.3: the blue rectangle is preserved
Actual result: the blue rectangle is truncated, only the first "line" appears
5) Now, select the pasted second measure
6) Press "R"
Result: the measure is pasted, but impossible to continue further by this way (since the blue rectangle is no longer shown, and so, the selection is lost)
I get this result from this nightly on Avril 14, 2016: fe2eea4
I guess a side effect of the new layout?
Currently, this issue has worsened with: 95ee954
1) "My First Score"
2) Enter a note in first measure
3) Exit Note input mode -> Press "M"
4) Select the first measure -> Press "R" key twice
5) Press "M"
Result: unexpected sort of double whole rests / longa rests
6) "N" -> enter a note in one of these measures
Result: crash
Fixed in branch 2.1, commit 213632d24a
fix #107556, fix #151446: fix selection of measure after R or paste command
Still a problem in master. 7246948bcc
Confirmed and needs to be fixed. Not a crash, so set the priority to Major.
I don't see any blue lines but the selection is indeed lost in the given scenario.
This is somewhat related to layout corruptions and crashes described here:
#173381: Copy-paste a multimeasure rest on another one causes corruption after undo
When debugging that issue I noticed this problem too, and while this particular scenario does not lead to a crash a selection state after copy-paste is generally incorrect in many scenarios, and this leads to various bugs and crashes, especially with multi-measure rests.
"R" issue should be fixed during the work on the issue mentioned above. Dropping selection on Undo has been reported again in #277779: Undo in note entry mode does not select next item to be undone.
I believe this was really fixed alongside with #173381: Copy-paste a multimeasure rest on another one causes corruption after undo.
Feel free to reopen if there is still the issue here.
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.