PortAudio Grayed out in Musescore 3.6.2, but working on 3.5.0
Reported version
S2 - Critical
My Musescore just don't have any sound, and on the debug, on 3.6.2, I have the:
||PaMacCore (AUHAL)|| Failed to open AUHAL component.||PaMacCore (AUHAL)|| Error on line 1263: err='-50', msg=Unknown Error
But when I'm on Musescore 3.5.0 it works flawlessly
Don't know what to do, and what to enjoy the updates.
PS: This error persists since the 3.5.0, any update after this one makes my PortAudio unusable.
Attachment | Size |
Msc_3.5.0_Print.png | 116.24 KB |
Msc_3.6.2_Print.png | 118.76 KB |
Musescore_3.5.0_debug.txt | 11.14 KB |
Musescore_3.6.2_debug.txt | 10.92 KB |
And nothing from https://musescore.org/en/faq#faq-301733 helps? Not even a PRAM reset?
In reply to And nothing from https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
Nothing helped, I tried NVRAM -c, tried to disable SIP and clear NVRAM, tried to change sample rate from outputs, but nothing solved. In the end, I ended up using Jack Server, it seems to be working.
But it's sad, cause I've searched all around and don't have found anything to solve this problem, just one comment from 2017, I guess, that said that it could be a "Bad OS Installation", an I'll not reinstall my os, lots of work here. The question in the air is why does 3.5.0 works and 3.6.2 does not?
I'm trying to mess with the app content files to see if I manage to get something that could be useful.
In reply to Nothing helped, I tried… by gabrielwave20
That said, I tried to mess with the files, and when I change the Contents/Frameworks/libportaudio.2.dylib from 3.5.0 to 3.6.2 it magically works.
Sending the files to analysis. I hope this helps!
Now I can use the 3.6.2 with audio playback, but still don't know if I'll have some drawback from doing this. At a first look it works normally.
In reply to That said, I tried to mess… by gabrielwave20
This worked for me too, but by putting the 3.5 version of libportaudio.2.dylib in there.
That indeed is the workaround mentioned above
In reply to That indeed is the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Okay. That's not what I understood from the description of changing the file "from 3.5.0 to 3.6.2", so I wanted to clarify what I did that works. Cheers!
In reply to That said, I tried to mess… by gabrielwave20
Ok, I dragged those files you placed in that zip file, but I still have everything greyed out. What did I do wrong? How did it work for you and not me? Could you please help me?
In reply to (No subject) by Jojo-Schmitz
what kind of reply is that? sorry but that doesn't help me.
In reply to (No subject) by Jojo-Schmitz
See above
And also https://musescore.org/en/faq#faq-301733
In reply to See above by Jojo-Schmitz
Again, and I don't mean to come off as rude, just desperate... I, like many here, have tried EVERYTHING on these "no solution" threads here... including this one, which is why I commented. I tried all above... and nothing still.
You say you've followed all the steps given in the FAQ article, but I don't see any post you created where you listed all the information requested in step #9. So please. review those steps, this time being following each of them carefully to the letter, including step 9 if none of the rest work.
In reply to Ok, I dragged those files… by KenJC22
KenJC22 - To clarify, only one of those files goes in there, and you need to rename it.
I documented how to do this step-by-step in my comment here: https://musescore.org/en/node/327853#comment-1110682
I will join the chorus in suggesting you start your own thread with all the info asked for. It really does help people to help you (granted, some people are more helpful than others) – plus, it's good documentation for the developers.
Best of luck.
In reply to KenJC22 - To clarify, only… by little-island
THANK YOU little-island... That worked for me!!! Bless you!!
The change to a different PortAudio happened in 7f89edd
Now the big question is:
Does it affect all Macs?
Or only certain versions of macOS
Or only Macs using the M1 chip, AKA Apple silicone?
Please report here or in https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/issues/227
It is way to late too get this fixed officially, but there's hope in my MuseScore 3.7 Evolution (see the issue in the link above)
Please check the artifact from https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/pull/751
(see also https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/wiki)
Fixed in tonight's build of my MuseScore 3.7. Evolution
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
(After the above PR got merged...)
Got one negative feedback, on a MacBook Pro mid-2012. running 10.14, see https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/issues/775, where MuseScore crashed dut to an allegedly missing libvorbisfile.3.dynlib (but really that isn't missing at all, just doesn't work for some reason)
So there's now https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/pull/777, which creates 2 artifacts, for old/Intel and new/Apple silicone. Please test (both, preferably) and report back (success/failure as well as macOS release and hardware)