D.C. al Capo

• Apr 23, 2016 - 02:36

I have created a score with the 'D.C.al capo' structure. Each time I play the score the repeat sequence won't work. The repeat option is enabled, but the score does not return to the beginning of the score and the 'capo' portion does not take effect. Is this a bug or have I coded the piece incorrectly? I have uploaded the score on my account for reference.

Attachment Size
Marchen-Four-Score.mscz 89.69 KB


Welcome aboard...

'D.C.' already stands for 'Da Capo' (to the 'head' or beginning), so a score with a 'D.C. al Capo' structure seems novel.

You should actually attach the score here, to your forum post:



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