On sounds off sounds

• May 27, 2011 - 08:13

A First sketch will develop now that I can play with harmonies & colors more and now that Ive discovered the drun setx and how to write or percussion.Will become more involved .I like how the timpani sets the inevitability of it.Its a piece really about you know something is coming and it does. I rarely have climaxes in my music .I might start using TRACES of a conventional narratibe if only to upset your expectations.this and Night Harmonies & Jan112011,along with Driving at Night will take most of my time n coming months.

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onsounds&offsounds by EARL MARTIN.mscz 7.31 KB


this piece seems other worldly to me. alien. i liked it. the tension in the chords was gripping. wasn't sure i liked the ending at first, it came up very suddenly, but then i could imagine people applauding immediately afterward and it was all right.

i look forward to seeing this as it develops.

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