I think Musescore just crashed.

• Apr 26, 2016 - 18:57

Okay, so I attempted to work on a symphony I've been writing, however, I can not move the General User soundfont up in the synthesizer before Musescore goes haywire. I don't know what to do.


You can start by saying what OS and what version of MuseScore, then telling us what soundfonts you are using, attach the score you are having problems with, and give precise steps to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

OS? I don't quite know what that is. However, I do know that I am using windows 10.

I use musescore 2.0.3. The soundfonts that are currently in the synthesizer are (in this order):

HQ Orchestral Soundfont Collection v3.0.sf2

GeneralUser GS MuseScore v1.442.sf2

Timbres of heaven GM_GS_XG_SFX V 3.2 Final.sf2

Musyng Kite.sf2

Musyng original, old version, new one is Musyng Kite (recomended!!), lite version of this one with less samples byt more polished.sf2

I can not move General User up, or Timbres of Heaven up with out a "Musescore has stopped working".

In reply to by Elwin

OS = operating system. Windows 10 is the name your operating system (there is also Windows 8, Windows 7, Mac OS X, Ubuntu 14.04, etc = lots of different OS's out there).

I don't know "HQ Orchestral Soundfont" or "Musyng" so immediately I wonder if some corruption in one of those files is causing the problem, but that's just a guess. I'd start by removing them from the list and see if that helps.

In order to help further, though, we need the specific score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Both are soundfonts. That problem emerges from the synthesizer and can be reproduced in any score. HQ Orchestral soundfont is a soundfont made by a musescorer. You can find it in "Young Composers Group". Musyng was a suggested soundfont in one of my old forum posts about soundfonts https://musescore.org/en/node/103046. It's the GM bank one in StringContrabass's fers reply. The issue did not emerge when I downloaded HQ orchestral though. I think I might just keep
HQ, General User, and Timbres of heaven.

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