Nightly R4311 compile broken

• May 28, 2011 - 04:38

It appears that an update to mscore/diff/diff_match_patch.cpp is breaking compilation. Specifically, this is the error:

[ 5%] Building CXX object diff/CMakeFiles/diff_match_patch.dir/diff_match_patch.cpp.obj
D:\MS_SOURCE\trunk\mscore\diff\diff_match_patch.cpp:25:18: error: QtCore: No such file or directory

It appears the line "#include " isn't liked. If I remove it, I get a failure later, in the same file, about "clock_t not defined" even though "time.h" is included and clock_t is defined there. Since I am not familiar with C++, I gave up trying to shoot this one.


I meant to say that the line "#include " isn't liked. I see Lasconic, for R4312, has removed this line from the code, but now the compilation will fail at ~70% with the above mentioned clock_t error.

If you add "#include " to the file trunk/mscore/mscore/file.cpp, right before "#include "diff/diff_match_patch.h", then the compilation will proceed to the linking mscore.exe, but will now fail on the webpage.cpp.

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