Problem with voltas - will not play more than twice

• May 28, 2011 - 16:16

I seem unable to create voltas that play more than twice; attached is my attempt (after searching online for help). Editing the volta properties (right-clicking to access Properties) seems to have no effect. Could some kind person please look at my file and see where the problem is?

I am on MuseScore version 1.0 and I am new to music notation software, by the way!



Attachment Size
Repeats Test 4 - Voltas.mscz 1.89 KB


The number of times it plays doesn't depend on the volta text. Instead, it's a property of the measure that has the repeat sign in it. -- the one that ends with the two dots, a thin line, and a fat line.

Single click on a blank place in that measure to select it, then right click for a menu. At the bottom, click on "Measure Properties". Near the bottom there'll be a Repeat Count that you can adjust. Then click "Apply" and "OK".

-- J.S.

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