staff distance

• May 28, 2011 - 20:14

Hi all,

After several tries (don't know why), 'system distance' (in style) is working but 'staff distance' is not. There is no change when I change the numbers. Any clues? I tried V frame both upper and lower with no help re: staff distance.

Thanks - and thanks to all of you who've helped in the past.

Sandy T.


I'm going to guess your pages are over the page fill threshold, and therefore MuseScore is ignored the spacing parameters and stretching the systems out to fill the page. Raise the page fill threshold to 100 and you'll see the real effects of your spacing settings.

If that's not it, then maybe you could attach a score that demonstrates the problem.

In reply to by spojaw

It does seem like lyrics are the issue here. MuseScore automatically adds enough space for them. You have to increase the staff distance by more than amount MuseScore already added if you want more space between the staves. If you want less space, you need to reduce the lyric margin settings. But that only goes so far; MuseScore always puts in a certain amount of extra space for lyrics. 2.0 does indeed look like it will be better in this respect.

Hi Mark,
Thanks. The lyric margins were already at 2.0 so I'm assuming I can't get them any closer. I appreciate your time with this.

Sandy T.

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