Double click on note head produces weird results

• Apr 28, 2016 - 18:34


This is no serious problem but a bit confusing.

case 1

1) double click on the head of a note A
2) now click on a different note B

Only on the second click on note B it is highlighted

case 2

1) double click on the head of note A
2) double click on the head of note B

Clicking now on note B does not change anything, note A remains highlighted.

case 3

1) double click on the head of note A
2) double click on an articulation

Nothing happens. When you click on a different note the articulation appears.

musescore 2.03 on Windows

I think double clicking a note should produce the same result as a simple click.

Thanks for any answers



double click puts an element into edit mode (and in the case of notes you can now move them using the 4 arrow keys, without changing their pitch), single click is to select an element (and a note can now be moved with up/down to change the pich)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


now I understand the idea behind it. At least there is 1 bug!

1) double click on note A
2) double click on a different note B

Note A remains highlighted, but the cursor keys move note B.


I double clicked a note by chance and thought it was very confusing what happened afterwards till I found out that the double click was the cause.
It would help if edit mode would be indicated by a box around the head of the note or an arrow at the head or anything else.



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