Getting Jazz Swing style to work

• May 1, 2016 - 16:39

Say I have a 4/4 bar with 6 quavers with a quaver rest each end. I cannot seem to get the playback to swing (perhaps I need to alter something to get the swing to be more pronounced?). Example attached 2nd and 4th treble bars. Note, I have "swing" set as system text on the first bar (not shown). Advice appreciated, thanks.

Attachment Size
Test Swing Style.mscz 16.1 KB


Well, your example has deleted the Swing text, so of course your example won't swing. But if I add it back, it swings as expected. Be sure to add the actual Swing text from the Text palette - you can't just enter a normal system text with that word and expect it to work right away. You'd have to then right click in go into Staff Text Properties and set up the swing options as you see fit. The default for swing eighths is a 60/40 ration of first to second, which is appropriate for msot medium tempo swing pieces. It's too exagerrated at fast tempos, so you'd normally ewant to back that off to say 55/45. Or, at slower tempos, or if you are aiming for shuffle instead of swing, you could crank it up to 67/33.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Many thanks. I think I have got the hang of it now. I removed my System text "Swing" at the front of the document and added "Swing" from the LH Text menu against the first note of the piece then selected "System Text properties" by RClick the new text and saw the Swing tab. Silly me! I have the Mastering MuseScore manual now and see on P161 the same instructions. But then I only bought it this morning. I'll look carefully here next time before I post.

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