Extract Parts crash on save. *Help!*

• Jun 5, 2011 - 18:08

I can't extract parts from this score. When I attempt to do so, the output shows no note stems, and any attempt to save the extracted part results in a crash.

I would REALLY appreciate help on this one, as this is one of three movements, and I'm supposed to have the score and parts in to a director in two days. Any advice is greatly appreciated, I'm pretty much freaking out.

I'm using Version 1.0, revision 3996, on Ubuntu.

Attachment Size
MVT 1 EDIT layout.mscz 47.38 KB


Okay, it's not a terminal situation. I can "Save As" the score to a different name, and delete instruments to create subtractive parts. Anybody have any idea what's causing the confusion?

I don't know what the problem is, but I can reproduce it. I created a few more parts because you only had one, but when I generated them, sure enough, no stems, and a crash.

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