How emulate this shorthand for repeated triplets, and emulate organ manuals/registration

• May 4, 2016 - 20:10

I'm just starting to typeset a score for organ that poses a few challenges. Here are the first three bars: Musescore_HowTriplets1.PNG

1. Is it possible in Musescore to indicate the repetition of the triplet chords with some convention like this?
2. How to add the text for "1 2 3, 2 1 2" etc - would this simply be stave text position carefully?
3. Is there any way of emulating the switching between the different manuals (for playback) or - wider question - of changing the organ registration in Musescore at all?


1 Use tremelos to make the diagonal bar and staff text for the number 3
2 Use lyrics (1 [Ctrl]Space 2 [Ctrl]Space 3 etc.)
3 Possibly but horribly complex as the notation is not standard to begin with,

In reply to by crispin

In general, if for some reason it's important to you to have the playback be more accurate than what MsueScore does by default, a solution in many cases would be to mark the notes silent (turn "Play" off) using the Inspector, then add another staff just for playback, enter the notes you want for playback there, then mark it invisible in Edit / Instruments.

As for different organ sounds - if you have a soundfont that provides the sounds you want, and have set it up within MuseScore, then you cange change sounds using the "Instrument" change text from the Text palette. See the Handbook under "Mid-staff instrument changes".

In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

@pentatonus could I ask how you got the lyrics to align left with the dotted minim chord in bar 1? By default my chord centres above the lyrics and in the past I have had to use horizontal adjustment. I'm wondering whether there is an option somewhere to make them always align left?

In reply to by crispin

You can force any individual syllable to align left by right clicking it, Text Properties, and selecting the left alignment. Or, to make *all* lyrics left align by default, use Text Style instead of Text Properties.

Also, lyrics beginning with what appears to be a verse number will align left by default. As will lyrics that appear to start a melisma.

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