Controlling .midi-save SPEED (tempo) ??

• Jun 12, 2011 - 22:31

Hi all, I'm brand new to this forum, and about 4 months new to Musescore. I've been writing some originals, and putting some existing hit tunes into MuseScore. Please see my

Up until recently, when I saved my creations as a .midi, the tempo speed was somewhat faster than the same thing in MuseScore, but tolerable. Most of the examples on my music page above are okay like that.

Recently though, no matter WHAT tempo I save a new song as in MuseScore, the .midi version comes our ridiculously fast, to the point of not being worth saving or showing to anyone.

Is there way to FORCE a .midi-save to come out somewhere near the tempo of the same song in MuseScore?

Many many thanks. Thank you, forum-ers and forum-ess-es, for being there.

JP in Texas


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