Preferences - Auto Save

• Jun 14, 2011 - 21:11

I don't understand if the "Auto Save" option works or not:
- I selected "Edit -> Preferences -> Auto Save"
- I set "Save every" as 2 minutes
I opened a score, I added some notes and I waited about five minutes, but nothing happened, yet the backup file was not updated.
Using MuseScore 1.0, Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal.


In reply to by antoniomarchionne

None of them. Autosave works in your back and put the files in ~/.local/share/data/MusE/MuseScore/
Maybe autosave is not a good name since it's more a way to prevent loosing your work if musescore crashes and it doesn't save on the file you are working on for safety reason.

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