Is there a reason why "Website" is listed as a "component" rather than a "version" on the issue tracker?

• May 16, 2016 - 21:21

It doesn't make sense to me when filing an issue with the website as making it for "3.0-dev" or something, when the issue is about what I presume to be an entirely separate codebase from MuseScore itself. I figured I should ask here before filing an issue to move the category of "website" from being a "component" to being a "version".

With "website" as a version, it could have components of "", "issue tracker issues", "forum issues", etc…


Well, website is *not* a version, it's a separate component. The real issue if that the versions listed for the website aren't relevant. Ideally there should be separate lists of available versions for each component.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I was thinking that the version list would drive the component list. Your idea to have the component list drive version selection is probably easier to implement. I mostly had my idea to add "Website" as a "version" from an old job, where we had "versions" for things like our employee profile pages.

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