I'm unable to reset the color of note head to black in a beat

• May 17, 2016 - 10:48

I have a score where in a beat some noteheads have a different color. Now if I try the set the color of all noteheads to a single color by selecting the noteheads and using the inspector, the colors won't be changed. I still have the change the color of the noteheads by selecting them step for step and then change the color by using the inspector.

Question: is there another way t achieve this at one stroke?



i figured out a workaround with "two strokes": select one note, rightclick, "select all similar", in inspecteur select a random colour (not black). Do the steps one more time, now in inspecteur select "black".

Maybe it's a bug that the notes don't change to black the first time!?


Are the noteheads in question at the upper and lower range of you instrument's playable pitch? If so, this is default behaviour in MuseScore. Toggle this behaviour on/off with Edit ->Preferences ->Note Input ->Colour notes outside of usable pitch range. Alternatively, change the instrument's pitch range in Stave Properties.

If this is not the cause of the problem then please post the score.

In reply to by Joachim Backes

Maybe a bug, not sure, you need to change twice because MuseScore apparently thinks it is all black already.

But if you want them all black, it is easy and in one go: right-click one, select all similar and use the reset color button (right of the color field) in inspector. As black is the default, all get set to black.

In reply to by Joachim Backes

I don't seem to have any problerms setting the color of the gray noteheads to black using the Inspector. All of the following work as expected:

- Ctrl+A to select all, then press "Set Color" in the Inspector to set everything black


- Select any range of measures and press "Set Color"


- Select any set of individual notes that are currently gray (eg, using Ctrl+click), click the color icon in the Inspector, select black, OK


- Select any set of individual notes of mixed color and use the Reset button in the Inspector.

The only thing that doesn't "work" is selecting a mixed set of notes where the *first* note in the selection is already black but some other notes are not, and then trying to use the color picker to set them all black. Since black is already the color of the first note and that is what is used to detrect changes, MuseScore thinks no change is necessary. If it's a bug, it's a bug shared by a lot of programs, because I see similar behavior all the time with mixed selections.

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