Formatting multi measure rests

• May 20, 2016 - 14:28

This thread motivated me to post about a secondary concern:
Multi measure rests look like measures but they have just the multi measure rest in them. And they behave like measures when Musescore decides on when to break the lines. The result is that they stretch or contract depending on context and that each multi measure rest has a different length often by as much as a factor 3 in the same piece--even on the same page. This last thing looks really odd to me (happens quite a bit in parts, not in scores obviously).

Wouldn't it be preferable to have them all at the same size (I find it difficult to get them even approximately to the same size by modifying stretch) for good, maybe depending on over all stretch in the piece, but not on local context? I for one would think it would be looking better than way.

What do people think?

And again, It is not the most pressing issue on can think of, but still...


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