Loading Sound Font

• Jun 22, 2011 - 18:12

i am having trouble getting sound on playback for my son who uses this program. when i open musescore Loading Sound Font followed by "/user/peter/desktop/max's stuff/.......... then failed playback. go to display>synthesizer and check that the file location is correct.

i got there and am unable to change anything. my volume is turned up and i have read over some of the past posting and tried their suggestions but am still lost. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks, peter


Which operating system are you using ? My guess is that you are on a Mac.
Go to soundfont and download TimGM6mb.sf2 . Then, open MuseScore, go to Display -> Synthesizer and at the bottom click on the folder. Pick the soundfont you just downloaded.
MuseScore should play now.

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