Putting Notes

• Jun 22, 2011 - 19:08

Hi, i'm new to Musescore and having some trouble with the program.
I want to put notes in the middle and at the end of boxes, but it simply wont do.


I'm not really sure about what you want to achieve. if you want to replace the rest by a note, just click on a rest, press N, choose a note duration and press the note name on your keyboard. See Note entry .
If you need to put more notes in a measure than what the measure should handle, you might need to see Voices .

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I'm trying to put more keys but let the voice of the chords before continue. the note entry mode just skips all the beats that the previous chord is taking so i cant put any more note to those places. i think it has something to do with the "Beam Properties", i cant manage to use them.

And to get rid of the short rests in the first measure, just replace them with whatever you would prefer to see instead. All note entry in musescore works on that principle.

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