Qt for Windows

• Jun 23, 2011 - 22:04

I noticed Lasconic's topic about the new version of Qt (4.7.3) being for Windows, but what about other platforms?

Qt 4.8 - they claim it will be released in the second half of this year. Anything specific since maybe?


Discussion about development are carried on on the mailing. Or maybe in General discussion or Technology preview, this forum is for bug report and support ...

What do you want to know about other platforms? As you know I'm also in charge of the mac build. Qt for Mac is a little bit different than Qt for windows. MuseScore 1.0 was released built with Qt 4.6.2. I'm not sure yet I will upgrade for MuseScore 1.1. Regarding the trunk, there is no release plan yet, so we will see...

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