Triplet troubles

• May 24, 2016 - 18:34

I have posted in my uploads "blues for alican eg 1 and eg2. when I try to set a triplet in the last measure it changes the fingering from a G on the second strin 8th fret to a G on the first string 3rd fret. I have followed the instructions in the handbook and tried several different variations but cant seem to get rid of the 3rd fret G.


Attachment Size
Blues For Alican eg1.mscz 13.53 KB
Blues For Alican eg2.mscz 13.92 KB


It isn't clear what you did exactly - can you describe stpe by step what you did to get form the first version to the seocnd - but in any case, to delete the extra G, just click it and press Delete.

The correct way to make a triplet would have been to click the quarter note you started with, press Ctrl+3, then enter the other two notes. Or enter the triplet directly in the first palce rather than first entering a quarter and then changing it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I followed the handbook and clicked the quarter note "G" and then from the top menu ; notes, tuplets, triplet. at which point it changes the 8 on the second string to a 3 on the first string, Ihave tried delete, contrl del and shift delete and none work, so out of desperation I added the 867 on the second string.
note in measure two I successfully used the exact same procedure for a set of triplets without any difficulty.

In reply to by Timothy M Barr

OK, once you changed the quarter note into a a triplet and it refretted it, then assuming you preferred the original fretting, simply use Ctrl+down to move it back. Then enter the next two notes.

So, startng from your original file, the sequence would be:

1) click the "8" indicating the quarter note
2) press Ctrl+3 to divide into a triplet
3) press left arrow to move the cursor back to the first note
4) press Ctrl+down to move that note to the next string (where it started)
5) press right arrow to advance the cursor again
6) enter the next two notes normally

Better, however, would be to have not entered the quarter note in the first place. So, from note inut mode *before* entering the quarter note, simply type "Shift+5 Ctrl+3 8 Right 6 Right 7"

But again, simply clicking the extra note and press Delete gets rid of the extra note you have. Or, instead of clicking it, press the left arrow to move the cursor back over it then press Delete. I guess maybe you were trying to delete it without first selecting it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you Marc. your last suggestion worked well ] and yes it avoids the problem altogether.

In the same examples how would I tie the note [ F ] at the end of measure 2 and the beginning of measure three? [ I know I should have done the; Shift 6 and Shift+= on the last note of the triplet but is there a way to add it after the fact.?

However using Ctrl+down to shift the errant note does not work, it moves it an octave when I click the note first and if I click on the number of the tab it changes it to an E in the third fret of the second string.


In reply to by Timothy M Barr

To add a tie after the fact, if in note input mode, simply cursor back to the first note and press the tie button. To enter a tie while *not* in note input mdoe, you need to have entered both notes firstI. Then, select the first note and press the tie button.

Ctrl+down works to move notes between strings when used on a tab staff only, as is logicasl since the whole idea of strings is tab-specific. On stasndard staves, Ctrl+down changes octave, as you noticed. Not sure what you mean about what happened when you did ot on the tab staff. Csan you post the exact series of steps you performed? If I take your first file and do exactly what I said, it works exactly as it should.

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