Compile links

• Jun 30, 2011 - 04:29

The link in the compile page to the QT SDK software is no longer there.

The latest version of MacPorts is 1.9.2.

Could someone update it please? Just as I'm not familiar and I don't want to mess anything.

I'm using 10.6 (as opposed to 10.5), so I could try updating that page (also needs updates - maybe other OS too) if I manage to successfully compile it.


I plan to update 10.6's page to tidy it a little (minimum), but will try today compiling. It might be best to hold off making any changes to that page (until maybe after today), as I've already started on it. I've had to halt this though, as things are downloading, etc - will report back later and see if I can do anything else to that page.

Lasconic, do you have 10.6, or still 10.5?

In reply to by chen lung

I have both. But it all depends what you want to do. Compiling MuseScore on 10.6 intel to run on 10.6 intel only, it's quite a easy job. Compiling MuseScore for 10.4+ both PPC and Intel on a 10.6, it's far from easy... In particular MacPort needs to be configured to compile universal binary and 10.4 compatible libraries. Apparently, with the last version they stopped making this possible easily... So if we want to keep on delivering MuseScore on 10.4+ with a universal binaries, it will be quite a hard job...

You can find Qt for mac here :…
Same restrictions apply as you can see. So what's your goal for compiling MuseScore trunk on mac ?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

It's just for me - on 10.6 Intel and delivered as such. Just for testing primarily, but if I can learn anything about code and how it functions sometime, that would be a bonus :). Could you tell me what I need please?

I'm downloading the latest Xcode (didn't say version 4 though as Apple's website does - may come after this update) and Qt - waiting a few hours (hope it doesn't cut out). Already installed are MacPort 1.9.2 (in a folder 'opt' in Home) and CMake.

The Qt you linked (200MB?) is different to the one I'm downloading (1GB) - do I only need the 200MB one?

Might just tidy that page for typos, etc instead. :P

Talking of 10.4, I actually wonder whether the next version should cater for it (make it 10.5 requirement instead) - the major issue is the broken font. Some software have ceased development on it (such as VLC). It maybe fixed in future (for those who still use it), but I don't know what you'd want to do. If someone needs it, they could compile it.

Just incase, I'm now using Mac 10.6.8 (just updated).

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I put qmake -v into Terminal, nothing appeared in it after pressing enter.

I searched for it and 3 folders appeared.

I get the feeling I'm missing something. I've got the musescore folder (obtained using Terminal), all I need to do now is build it using Qt?

In reply to by chen lung

There was something wrong in Terminal (the standard text you get before entering a command was missing - don't know why), but I restarted the computer and it's fixed it:

QMake version 2.01a
Using Qt version 4.7.3 in /Library/Frameworks

I've just getting the new content (4451) using Terminal. What do I do next?

Instead of grabbing all the command lines at once (works sometimes, other times I don't know), I did them one-by-one. This seemed to install a few things that appeared to be missed initially. However, there was a persistent problem:

'Home>musescore>trunk' (cd ~/musescore/trunk) is the location on my computer.
'Home>musescore' (cd ~/musescore) is what this says (result: 'No rule to make target `revision'. Stop' after entering 'make revision').

Maybe there should be a note, or two links (accounting for the branch and trunk)?

Also, I don't know if it makes a difference, but I noticed 'make -f MakeFile.osx release' on that page - the actual file is 'Makefile.osx' (lower-case F).

I've attached a log file in Terminal showing errors.

For those who only wish to compile a version for one OS (10.6 and possibly 10.5 - not 10.4), maybe there could be alternate (or better) instructions. It is a work in progress, I know.

Using Mac 10.6.8.

Attachment Size
Terminal (Chen Lung).txt 259.99 KB

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