A rest that appears in the score is missing from one of the parts

• Jun 5, 2016 - 06:14

I wrote a score for two instruments, Trumpet and Violin, in 12/8 time (score attached herewith). A discrepancy appears in Bar 24 between the score and the trumpet part. In the score, Bar 24 begins with two dotted quarter rests. In the Trumpet part however, there is only one dotted quarter rest at the start of Bar 24, consequently that bar only contains the value of 9 eighths when it should have 12 eighths. (Bar 24 in the Violin part as well as in the score is correct.)

My MuseScore version is 2.0.3, Revision 3c7a69d. No update is available. My OS is Win7, 64 bit.

Attachment Size
Señor_Blues Trumpet & Violin.mscz 38.89 KB


Thanks, Shoichi. I was indeed able to drag the rest to its proper location. I had noticed the 'extraneous' rest once before but lost track of it, and did not realize its significance at the time.

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