Notes changed when export to MIDI file.

• Jun 6, 2016 - 18:02

The first file, which what I wanted, and saved in .mscz file is okay, but when I export to .MIDI, all of my notes have changed. They have automatically have sharps and flats in it. Any idea what happened and how can I fix it ?

Attachment Size
Stitches.mscz 21.78 KB
Stitches1.mid 10.84 KB


According to my understanding, a .MIDI only saves the note itself and not its appearance in the score. Therefore, if you export a score as .MIDI and re-import it, the notes themselves will be preserved, but the program may apply a mixture of sharps and flats in order to preserve the pitch of the notes. Here is a link to how others have explained this:

The only way I know how to fix these notes is by manual input.

Was this score created originally from a MIDI file as well? As mentioned, MIDI does not have any concept of the difference between C# and Db - they have the same pitch as far as MIDI is concertned. So it is not a good format at all for representing music notation. Still, normally, it does work better than this, because normally the key signature *is* stored in the MIDI file when you export it, and this allows MuseScore to guess how to spell; notes when you import it. I don't know why this didn't happen in this case, so any information on you can share on how this file differs from a normal score created from scratch within MuseScore would help us understand what might be going wrong.

Anyhow, to fix it manually in this case, easiest is to add the key signature back, then select all, hit up arrow to raise the pitch half a step, then down arrow to lower it again. This will respell everything using flats, which is what you want in this particular case. Or, use Notes / Respell Pitches, which also does the right thing in this particular case (again, after manually adding the missing key signature back).

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