Saved Scores after restore

• Jun 6, 2016 - 21:58

So my musescore shut down and I had to restart it but the titles were a bunch of letters and numbers. I keep saving like I normally do (Ctrl+s, or hitting the save button at the top) but after a while I went to the actual score and my new work was there. So I think I saved it as the title with all the letters and numbers but its no where to be found. I was hoping there was a way to get my work back.

p.s. its been so long that its not in my recents


Normally on restoring it should recover the full pathname of your original score - like C_Users_Marc_Documents_MuseScore2_Scores_My_Song.mscz. This file would then be saved somewhere generic like your Documents folder. Use you OS's search facility to find all MSCZ files; that should help you find it.

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