octave shift not working as expected

• Jun 8, 2016 - 23:58

In the attached score done in TAB only, if I select measure 1 and hit CRTL dnwArr

I get D(4th string) frets 10 & 12 {these are same pitch as original - no octave shift}
I expected D(4th string) fret 0 + A(5th string) fret 3 {shifting each orig note 1 octave lower}

I have the whole score to shift, cannot re-type note at a time.
I must be missing something in HandBook.
What to do?

Attachment Size
TnWaltz_Intermed_xml.mscz 26.51 KB


Shortcuts are different in tab, because the common operations are different. Ctrl+down is not for octave shift - a much more rare operation for tab than standard stages because MuseScore never has to guess the octave. Instead, it moves a note to a different string. See the Handbook under Tablature for more info.

If you want to travel slide a passage a selection by an octave (or any other interval), see Notes / Transpose.

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