
• Jun 9, 2016 - 15:29

In Musescore 2, the tempo settings were fine, but they were missing something very crucial. There needs to be a "poco a poco accelerando al fine", "Molto accelerando", "Ritardando", etc. This would make the software better by far.


You can add any tempo marking you like - just select the note you want the marking attached to, press Alt+T to add a tempo marking, and type. It won't affect playback, but keep in mind the primary purpose of MuseScore is notation, not playback. It is possible that someday we might enhance this aspect of playback however since it is a common request.

You can create your own tempo text/phrases then save them to a custom palette. (see the Handbook ). I have some usual phrases plus accel. rit. rall. Tempo I etc. One you use, say, a Tempo I in a score you can copy and paste it next time you use it and it will retain the tempo settng

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